
My name is Andreas Willich. I’m a software developer and hobby speaker and I am working at Tricentis in Vienna, Austria, but this blog, its content and opinions are my own.

I have the feeling that every week I have at least one new thing learned or I combined some information to get something new out of them. So I will write about this daily .NET developing challenges that I encounter. Additionally I am inspired from Scott Hanselman handling of questions. As he gets a lot of questions asked, he doesn’t answer them only for the questioner, he writes a blog post with the answer and how he got it and only sends back a link to the blog post. So everybody gets some gain from it.

Additionally I am since January 2017 a Microsoft MVP in the “Visual Studio and Development Technologies” categories. And blog posts should help to get re-awarded again. 😉


I am one of the maintainers of SpecFlow (a BDD tool/library for .NET), on which I work during my work hours and in my free time. During work hours I work also on SpecFlow+.

In my spare time I am also one of the organiser of the DotNetDevs.at.


Since 2005 I am working as a software developer in and around of Vienna. First at Automic (former UC4), from 2009 to 2020 I worked for TechTalk as a senior software developer on various software projects for different customers.

Since January 2020 I am working for Tricentis as developer and product owner for SpecFlow and SpecFlow+

Me on other platforms

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SabotageAndi
GitHub: https://github.com/sabotageandi
StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/3155323/andreas-willich
Microsoft MVP: https://mvp.microsoft.com/en-us/PublicProfile/5002257